
PFAS: Public consultations open on proposed PFAS restrictions in the EU and US

Our recent advisory highlighted the key headlines of the proposed restriction, aimed at reducing the risks that PFAS pose to humans and the environment, which was published by the...

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PFAS: Public consultations open on proposed PFAS restrictions in the EU and US

Our recent advisory highlighted the key headlines of the proposed restriction, aimed at reducing the risks that PFAS pose to humans and the environment, which was published by the...

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美国环保署公布了未来四年的农药注册审查时间表. 该机构的在线工具跟踪注册审查将每季度更新一次...
Under the rule, EPA要求所有PFAS和含有PFAS的物品的制造商和进口商在此后的任何一年...
The Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule, under section 8(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 强加...
On 17 July 2023, 环境保护署发布了一份征求公众意见的指导意见草案...
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule on June 7, 2023, to update confidential business...
TSG participated in a webinar hosted by the EPA’s Safer Choice team on August 29, 2023 w在这里 the EPA announced the...
In lieu of providing specific letters accepting each notification that is pending, AD will permit registrants to obtain...
授权法规在法规(EC) No 1272/2008:人类内分泌干扰中增加了四个新的危害类别...
HSE称其RMOA报告是“英国有史以来对这些化学物质最全面的分析”。. Their analysis...
DPR believes that allowing staff to focus on specific AIs will maximize efficiency. RSs will become specialists with...
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